We welcome distributors from across the world to come and visit us here to carry out service training. Our most recent visitor from our Portuguese distributor, EXIMO, was Filipe. This post will discuss a little bit of what was covered on the training and how you might get training yourself.

Training is normally split into two days, the first day focuses on how to service our Portable & Personal instruments. The second day focuses on our Fixed instruments. Both days are full of valuable information about a wide range of our instruments we offer.

On Filipe’s first day we covered Tiger, Cub and GasCheck. In the training we open the instruments, discuss how they work, what should be carried out on a service, how to diagnose issues and how to replace key internal components. Following this hands on training session we sent some time in our calibration room. This is where Filipe learnt how to perform factory calibrations on our Portable & Personal instruments.

On the second day the TVOC, Falco and Titan were covered. Once again, this training working on the instruments directly. Understanding the principle of operation, how to service them correctly, diagnosing faults and the replacement of key internal components. Once again, the day ended in the calibration room to show Filipe how to factory calibrate the Fixed instruments he had received training on. This is a key part of the training because a factory calibration needs to be completed any time work is done on any of our instruments.

With these training sessions a list of required equipment and recommended spares will be listed. These are essential for any distributor who wanted to become a service centre. Our Portuguese distributor EXIMO and Filipe already had these before they arrived for this training session, which is what we recommend.

After completing this training course EXIMO and Filipe received a certificate to say that they are trained to be one of our service centres. They now have all the tools required to fix any issue which they find with our instruments. These two days were very enjoyable, and it was a great pleasure to get to know Filipe more. If you would be interested in coming and visiting us here for a training session, we would be excited to have you. Any enquiries about the training sessions or what you need to do to get them booked in please contact us at [email protected].